Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yummies From SwissMissBakery

So, I attended an Etsy Trunk Show for the Edible Arts Team last week while my husband was making microwave 'smores in the kitchen. Heh, can you tell where this is going?

The homemade marshmallows in the SwissMissBakery intrigued me. I was happily browsing the tempting and beautiful pictures in her store when I found she offers one of my all time favorites: delicious chocolate dipped honeycomb candy. -I was hooked. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted, but Jackie put together a nice sampler full of goodies for me and shipped it out.

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my sweet package, I knew I had to wait until after dinner to share this with my 3 yr old. Marshmallows are her current favorite sweet. We had an awesome time with our taste test tonight. It was everything I expected and more! Here is how it went:

We were happy girls!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Your daughter is adorable!!!